Frequently Asked Questions

Innovis sell rams using the online portal from May to the end of June. Crossbred females are advertised on the Innovis website.

Innovis has an advertising service where customers who have ewes to sell advertise on our website. LEARN MORE

Innovis auction sales are held August to September across the UK. Selection days are held October to November. AUCTION DATES

Innovis sell rams bred within their own breeding programme and advertise females on behalf of our customers.

We only sell sheep for breeding purposes. To buy sheep from us you must have a CPH number for the land where the animals will be kept.

Sheep Breeding Questions

Innovis breed both meat and maternal rams, with a number of different lines suited to the individual needs of a progressive sheep farmer.

A terminal sire is a ram that has been bred to produce top quality finished lambs to produce meat.

A maternal sire is a ram bred to produce lambs that will grow on to be breeding ewes.

Each Innovis flock manages the breeding ewes on forage-based systems and under commercial conditions, ensuring that we produce rams suited to the environment where you need them to work.

Low carbon sheep farming means producing more efficient sheep that give you more output without increasing inputs. LEARN MORE

We breed both Cheviots, a more traditional hill breed, but a number of our other breeds (e.g. Highlander) are suited to producing more productive crossbred hill ewes on some farms.

We would recommend a productive ewe (e.g. Highlander, Aberfield cross, Aberfield SR or Aberglan) crossed to a meat ram (Abermax, Aberblack, Primera depending on the lowland system.