Bred to Perform on the Hill
The Innovis Cheviot is bred using the same principles as we apply to our other lines.
We believe that the only way to improve performance is to measure it where you want the sheep to perform. Our Cheviot flocks are run on upland/hill ground all year round to identify the ewes that thrive and produce good lambs under the challenges that go with the terrain.
The Innovis Cheviots are bred as part of our new hill ram breeding operation in partnership with Buccleuch estate. Eldinhope farm in the Scottish Borders spans over 3500 acres of hill ground and is home to a 1600 strong flock of South Country Cheviot ewes, 300 of which are recorded using DNA parentage.

The Innovis Cheviot offers:
- A compact ram with good structure and performance records that’s been selected under pressure.
- Rams selected for proper commercial production traits.
- A ram to breed efficient ewes or as a terminal sire to add value to hill lambs in a hard environment.
The Innovis Cheviot would suit you if you:
- Want a very low input, grass-based flock for higher ground.
- Want a breed that will thrive on a ‘lenient grazing’ system for regenerative agriculture.
- Want a performance driven native breed that can add value.
Innovis Cheviots are bred as part of our hill ram breeding operation in partnership with Buccleuch Estate. We have two selection lines; a North Country Hill (Lairg) type bred at Southfield, our nucleus farm, and a hardier more compact type bred at Edlinhope in the Yarrow Valley, a 3,500-acre hill farm with a flock of 1,600 South Country Cheviot ewes, 300 of which are recorded using DNA parentage. Both flocks are evaluated as one population with link rams used to ensure connectivity.

Innovation, Partnership and Performance
All our rams will be MOT’d, quarantine treated and supplied with full health treatment records.
We believe in our products and will work with you to help you to maximise returns from our genetics.
If you are interested in the Innovis Cheviot:
Contact us
Please fill in the form below and one of our sales team will be in contact.