The maternal sire lines available through Innovis have been developed to meet the individual needs and requirements of the modern sheep farmer.

Aberfield – Well-bodied, efficient and high quality
Aberfield SR – A self-replacing sire for closed flocks
Abertex – A versatile and hardy sire.
Highlander – An excellent option for closed flocks
Aberdale – High-end sustainability and efficiency
Cheviots – Bred to perform on the hill
Maternal Sires
The maternal sire lines available through Innovis have been developed especially to meet the individual needs and requirements of the modern sheep farmer.
Developed With You in Mind

If you’re looking for:
- A sustainable sheep farming business
- Increased lamb productivity on marginal land or in drought prone areas
- Improved efficiency
- Easier lambing outdoors
- Reduced labour costs
- Top carcass specification from a reduced cost base
- Improved returns that use proven technologies