Coldrochie Farm
30ha grassland
Innovis flock
Most breeds are here!
Additional enterprises
Farm consultancy specialising in pasture-based sheep and beef systems.
Farming background and objectives
I began renting ground in 1997 and was lucky enough to buy the land in late 2001. I became interested in genetics when I could see the benefits of fast growth rates and positive backfat to help finish lambs as quickly as possible off pasture.
Business strategy
To run a profitable and sustainable system by making the most from low input high quality pasture and good genetics.
Interesting fact about your farm
It’s small! But this really focusses the mind on optimising output.
When and why did you become an Innovis ram grower?
I became a ram grower for Innovis in 2018. I’d previously been a breeding partner producing Abertex and Abermax, however health reasons led me to taking the difficult decision to sell the ewes. Having already worked with Innovis, it became a no-brainer to look at becoming a ram grower.
What do you enjoy most about your role with Innovis?
Working with enthusiastic, forward-thinking people who help provide solutions to a sustainable sheep industry.